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CORONAVIRUS ( COVID-19) What is  Coronaviruses  (COVID19) ? Coronaviruses are a common group of viruses; while some coronaviruses affect only animals, a few others can also affect humans. It is very likely that all of us have been infected by coronavirus at some point in our life. The symptoms of a coronavirus can range from a mild cold to flu like symptoms to moderate and severe upper-respiratory infections. The SARS epidemic (severe acute respiratory syndrome) was also caused by coronavirus. Coronavirus is also known to affect the gut and hence some patients may suffer from diarrhoea. The current situation is caused by COVID-19. Coronavirus infections typically spike up during winter months as the virus can thrive in cold temperatures. So, people typically suffer from cold due to coronavirus in the months that are cold. The immunity is short lived and so we fall prey to cold and flu again. You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:

Fourth Generation (4G) Technology is Benchmark of Modern Technology Evolution

                                                       ABSTRACT :-  Telecommunication and networking have been and will be one of the core technologies in helping the evolution of mankind and technology. If it was not for it for these channels of communication and data transmission, we would probably still be in an era where technology is not as advanced as it is today. Right from that point of time, the concept of communication using a telephone has evolved into first long distance telephone calls (at a distance of 6 miles) in 1876, Motorola’s first handheld mobile phone or cell phone in 1973, 1G or first generation analogue cellular network in 1979 in Japan, 2G or the second generation digital cellular network based on GSM technology in 1991, 3G or the third generation mobile communication based on UMTS and CDMA technologies in 2001 and the currently used 4G or fourth generation mobile communication technology based on LTE standard in 2009. We all talk about the speed of 4G